Sunday, February 22, 2009

I love it when...[American U Edition]

=TDR is a win. Nom nom.

=The vending machines decide to start taking swipes again

=The Eagle's Nest is taking Eagle Bucks AND the lady at Subway isn't being a bitch

=When you wake up in the morning freezing and you walk in to the bathroom prayyying that there's hot water in the showers...and there is!

=Walking outside and realizing that you don't need the heavy coat you thought you did, and you should probably grab some sunglasses too

=Realizing that you haven't started working on your paper yet but find out later that day that it's not due until next week.

=Getting THAT E-MAIL in the morning that class has been cancelled

=When you misplace your ID and the front desk people don't make you go through that whole identity process

=When you're on your way to destination X listening to your iPod and when you finally get there, the song ends right at that moment.

=When you meet someone, and then the time after that when you pass them on campus they actually say hi to you and don't act as if they're not sure what to do

=Getting the perfect milk to cereal ratio

=Having a fridge full of food

=Realizing that you actually have money (somehow) and can finally get off campus for a bit!

=People do shit like this:

Oh, life.

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