Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ex!stence Weekend

Wow. This weekend was definitely jam-packed..I hope I can remember each part...
This sounds so silly and I'm totally not one for feely feelingszsz &such but I must say that I have amazing friends here. To everyone that was with me all weekend I enjoyed every moment of it. It was such a feeling of support and community and you all added beautiful elements to the whole experience. Okay enough.
Friesdaiez: I spent most of the afternoon writing my FUCKING RELIGION PAPER - Laura, U f33L Mi, gUrL - but it was all hell. It was due on SATURDAY AT 5 and that was absolutely not gonna fly. After I finished that [thank god] I hung out at Zach's and experienced my first zombie movie [don't judge me] and I was really surprised but I actually liked it. It was also just too funny.
Satusdae: Nover and I went to Panera in Friendship Heights for breakfast - the best detail - we brought Scrabble along. She whooped my ass. This like 4 year old kid kept coming to us and Nover's an education major so she was all for it..helping him sound out words and the whole time I couldn't help but think "I hate children I hate children I hate children!". It's a shame ain't it. I mean clearly it was funny, how couldn't it be, but as far as I'm concerned..well..yeah.
I hope you're [whoever the fuck I'm "talking" to on this thing] not easily offended by the next part of my day. Jessica's assignment for her film class was to do a contemporary recreation of a famous painting - she chose Da Vinci's Last Supper. She set up a long table on the stage of the amphitheater and had wine and liquor bottles filled with water and sparkling cider. There were knives (both real and fake), cigarettes, hookah, cigars, flour (coke - hah), shot glasses, broken glass and bottles everywhere. There were about 10 of us and we were to act just extremely badass and fucked up. We were pretty much all making out, acting really drunk and strung out, doing shots, smoking, doing coke, whatever was on there, we did it. Jessica assigned my character as Jesus Christ (hah.) so I was in the center of the table and as we were all doing our shit for about a minute Jess would count the last 10 seconds of the shoot (we did about 5 takes) which would give us time to get into our final positions of actually recreating the painting. It was so much fun to act it out with everyone, Jess did a great job of working it all out. The best part was that multiple tours viewing AU were walking around and saw the whole thing [that was the best part in my opinion].
After the shoot was over we went to Satay Club for dinner which somehow turned into my birthday dinner because Louise and Jessica made Malina Moon Pie [brownie mix, bananas, strawberries, marshmallows - sounds weird but it's absolutely delicious] and brought it out with candles and the whole shebang which was ADORABLE I totally didn't expect it. Afterwards fucking GIRL TALK came to AU and I honestly don't like him [yeah it's impressive that he can mix a lot of shit together but I just think a lot of people can do that - they just didn't think to go above and beyond 2 or 3 songs. Call me ignorant if you must but that's just what I think - all it is really is some pitch shifting and tempo changes...] Nevertheless, it was a great show because a shit ton of people were PACKED into the Tavern, a point where I just had no control over which direction I was moving and everyone was so drunk so nobody was stable. It was one giant sweaty mass of hormones but extremely entertaining. I wasn't really paying attention to the actual music, mainly because I didn't know any of the songs that were being mixed. The giant sweaty mess began to disperse as the show really got started because it came to a point where just no one could breathe. The lights were awesome, the volume was actually good, everyone was drunk and dressed appropriately [in the Greg Gillis sense, that is]. By the way - this is what he used to look like:

And this is what he looks like now:

Pretty crazy how drastic an image change can be - especially since it's a lot harder for guys than girls to change their looks over a short period of time. I can't even imagine that difference though - that's like..seeing your teacher from high school like just a regular guy and then suddenly seeing him ripping his shirt off behind a DJ set - and he actually looks good doing it..
Here's what the show looked like through the ize of my iPhone:

After the show I went to Katzen to play in the drum studio - Jordan Brown came to join me which was awesome because we actually got to "jam", as the kids like to say, through amps - which are not easy to find/move/be in an alright place to play them. Twas refreshing. At 12:00 on the dot Jessica, Ky, Cody, and Jill all came in carrying a BEAUTIFUL [Norwegian hazelnut] cake, turned off the lights and had sang & such. Again, I didn't expect THAT either! The cake was beyond delicious I can't even believe they made it themselves - it was sincerely orgasmic.

After I got back to my dorm Sarah and I just dug into the cake straight up and made some tea and accompanied our feast with some Family Guy.
Suhndy [b!gDae!]: There were SO MANY things that were supposed to go on today - but most of them didn't work out as planned becauase A) I decided to sleep in later than 9:00 [for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to do that. Clearly I was wrong] and B) because every form of mass transit was a being a BITCH - this is why I'm working my ass off to be able to convince my parents to allow me to bring my car to DC. I feel like such a child. Well anyway this post is pretty long as it is so I'm not going to say what the original plans were, but what ended up happening was Jessica and I going to Metro Center and getting breakfast at Borders Books. Then Keith picked us up [in his C.A.R.] and even though I could have easily thrown up the whole time [no offense, Keith], driving was the best part of the day. Music as loud as it can be, sunny day, windows down; nothing better. We drove to the Guitar Center in Maryland and I ended up getting another cable and a LOOP STATION! BAAHHHH! We somehow ended up thinking getting McDonald's for lunch was a good idea.

Once we got back to campus I just spent a good hour or so just laying on the grass, talking to various folks who had called me for the occasion. A bunch of children joined me for TDR dinner [with birthday hats, naturally] and it was just as good as going out anywhere.

I'm 19?? The last of my "teen" years. Fuck! Well..I can buy cigarettes in NY..

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