Thursday, January 29, 2009


(I've recently discovered) is not just a Brave New World shindig.

It's a Vedic "hallucinogenic beverage"
"The consumption of soma was permitted only during sacrifices, and it evidently produced vivid hallucinations, such as having a sense of growing to gigantic size and possessing superhuman strength or experiencing visions of the gods come down to join the worshippers on the sacrificial site."

Thanks A.L. Basham

A hymn from the same book (The Origins & Development of Classical Hinduism)

Like wild winds
the draughts have raised me up. Have I been drinking soma?

The draughts have borne me up,
as swift steeds a chariot. Have I been drinking soma?

Frenzy has come upon me,
as a cow to her dear calf. Have I been drinking soma?

As a carpenter bends the seat of a chariot
I bend this frenzy round my heart. Have I been drinking soma?

Not even as a mote in my eye
do the five tribes count with me. Have I been drinking soma?

The heavens above
do not equal one half of me. Have I been drinking soma?

In my glory I have passed beyond the sky
and the great earth. Have I been drinking soma?

I will pick up the earth,
and put it here or put it there. Have I been drinking soma?

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