Saturday, January 31, 2009


Oh mah gah:

Thursday, January 29, 2009


(I've recently discovered) is not just a Brave New World shindig.

It's a Vedic "hallucinogenic beverage"
"The consumption of soma was permitted only during sacrifices, and it evidently produced vivid hallucinations, such as having a sense of growing to gigantic size and possessing superhuman strength or experiencing visions of the gods come down to join the worshippers on the sacrificial site."

Thanks A.L. Basham

A hymn from the same book (The Origins & Development of Classical Hinduism)

Like wild winds
the draughts have raised me up. Have I been drinking soma?

The draughts have borne me up,
as swift steeds a chariot. Have I been drinking soma?

Frenzy has come upon me,
as a cow to her dear calf. Have I been drinking soma?

As a carpenter bends the seat of a chariot
I bend this frenzy round my heart. Have I been drinking soma?

Not even as a mote in my eye
do the five tribes count with me. Have I been drinking soma?

The heavens above
do not equal one half of me. Have I been drinking soma?

In my glory I have passed beyond the sky
and the great earth. Have I been drinking soma?

I will pick up the earth,
and put it here or put it there. Have I been drinking soma?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Things I have discovered today that may or may not intrigue your person:
=The Yeah Yeah Yeahs are releasing a new album in the spring...I believe it's called either 'It's bliss' or 'Blitz' but this is all they gave us YYY fans:

=Brian Chase is a vegetarian? Apparently he's really enthused about it. I'm quite jealous actually. Too bad I'd disappear if I stopped eating meat...
"Since becoming a vegetarian I've felt a new openness and lightness. Channels have been cleared and obstacles have been removed; energy is flowing more freely from top to bottom. An elimination of obstructions, both physical and spiritual. And with this I've discovered a new sensitivity. How do you know what it's like to not have something when you've had it all of your life? I've eaten meat for 29 years and I never knew what it was like to not eat meat. Sometimes the best way to know what you have is to take it away. I took meat out of my diet, out of my body, and I was able to see what was underneath and able to experience what I was putting on top. I became more sensitive, sensitive to the quality of food, the character of food, and the impact of what I ate. I developed a new awareness of my body as an organic being, realizing it's made of the same material as Earth and Nature. It seemed so simple and made perfect sense, a new understanding of what it means to live in accordance with the world around me. "

=When dropping off your disposable camera at CVS...ask for ALL the prints...cause they can come out pretty fucking rad

See Exhibit A & Exhibit B

[And Just for kicks, Exhibit C]

=I'm hoping for an internship at NPR but the way that my career advisor is "advising"'s not looking too promising. The deadline is February 15th! She's telling me to get my own radio show and I've had to tell her like 300 times that I don't want to be a DJ...I pretty much just want to give the DJs their material. You know, the A&R type of deal. The description for one of the positions I'm going for says
"Helps produce Second Stage...audditions CD for possible review; contacts labels for CD acquisition; acts as liaison with Secon Stage artists; helps secure clearances for use of material on site; researches and fact checks for artist reviews."

=It snows in DC after all...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I hope to obtain one of these in my near future...

A Darwheezums Collaboration


Well here it is, ladies and gentleman. I am slowly becoming more and more sucked in to the conventional ways of my generation. Sooner or later I'll be buying a television...